Vaping regulations will soon be strengthened in Belgium due to the excessive use of E-cigarettes by teenagers and young individuals under the age of 25.
The Belgian Government started considering it after the Netherlands banned flavour-infused e-cigarettes at the beginning of this year. However, there is still time until October to remove them from the market.
According to the Dutch Tobacco and Tobacco Products Act, the sale of flavour-infused e-cigarettes is banned in the Netherlands from January 1, 2023.
A report by the Trimbos Institute revealed that flavourings make e-cigarettes more attractive, particularly to young people, and that’s why the ban is implemented. Additionally, it is reported that e-cigarettes function as a gateway to regular cigarettes.
From now on, Dutch cigarette shops will no longer be able to offer new flavours, but they will still be allowed to sell their remaining stock up to October 1 in order to give them time to adjust. All e-cigarettes with flavours besides tobacco will be prohibited in the nation after October 2023.
Although not yet imminent in Belgium, as such, a prohibition would not be beneficial, according to Felix Rijkers of the Belgian retailers selling vape products VapeBel.
Although a ban on flavours for e-cigarettes is not imminent in Belgium, Federal Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke recently declared that the industry would be restricted as soon as possible.