Bulgaria Will Not Join Eurozone in 2024

Bulgaria planned on joining the Eurogroup of euro area finance ministers in 2024. Still, the Eurogroup has recently rejected the plan because Bulgaria still needs to implement the necessary legislation and has been unable to control inflation

Bulgaria planned on joining the Eurogroup of euro area finance ministers in 2024. Still, the Eurogroup has recently rejected the plan because Bulgaria still needs to implement the necessary legislation and has been unable to control inflation
Bulgaria planned on joining the Eurogroup of euro area finance ministers in 2024. Still, the Eurogroup has recently rejected the plan because Bulgaria still needs to implement the necessary legislation and has been unable to control inflation (Image Courtesy-Google)

Bulgaria planned on joining the Eurogroup of euro area finance ministers in 2024. Still, the Eurogroup has recently rejected the plan because Bulgaria still needs to implement the necessary legislation and has been unable to control inflation.

On Feb. 13, Bulgaria was not allowed to present its case in Brussels, although it was included in the agenda of the meeting. Fortunately, the GERB party of former Prime Minister Boyko Borissov undercut the necessary legislation.


The ethnic Turkish party DPS, the pro-Russian BSP, Vazrazhdane and the Bulgarian Rise party of former Stefan Yanev. The pro-Russian parties have collected 200,000 signatures to preserve the nation’s currency.

Hungarian MEPs in Brussels Demand an End to Corruption and War
Feb. 18, 2023 (EIRNS)—Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party members have called for an end to corruption in Brussels. In a statement this week, they said that self-policing does not function and the national parliaments have to be involved if the problem is to be solved.

Fidesz Member of the European Parliament Ernö Schaller-Baross said that the Brussels establishment fears a threat to their power if the national parliaments were involved in addressing the massive corruption scandals sweeping Brussels.

The MEPs also expressed support for peace in Ukraine. “A ceasefire and peace talks will save lives,” they said. At the same time, they slammed the European Union for “further forcing” through energy sanctions, which were “ruining Europe’s national economies.” They condemned the Russian military operation.

A pro-Russian, anti-government rally has been called for Feb. 19 in Moldova. At a demonstration in October last year, there were clashes with the police. The pro-Russian parties are led by “fugitive oligarchs” Ilan Shor and Vlad Plahotniuc. President Maia Sandu said on Feb. 13.

“Through violent actions, masked under protests of the so-called opposition, a change of power in Chisinau would be forced.”

There was recently a regime change. The new Prime Minister, Dorin Recean, is supported by the President. Russia’s Gazprom recently cut off the gas after Moldova failed to pay its bill.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had warned in an RT interview on Feb. 2 that Sandu was “rushing into NATO,” leaving him as misquoted as saying Moldova could be the “next Ukraine.”

Sandu further charged that Russia is preparing attacks on state institutions in Moldova and will infiltrate trained foreigners from Belarus, Serbia and Montenegro.

Sandu has been accused of pushing for greater security laws to avoid the judiciary. The pro-Russian parties have been conducting door-to-door organizing against it.

“We will gather and demonstrate peacefully to prove that this mentally ill Maia [Sandu] invented all the myths and stories about a so-called coup d’état to give herself more prerogatives and make fun of the people,” Shor said.


Former President Igor Dodon charged that Sandu would either be in her bunker or flee the country if the situation were really difficult.