Trade unions threatens to go on strikes if demands are not met

Meanwhile, the Union of Employers in the Public Education System have also demanded that the state subsidies for maintaining the educational institutions must be hiked.

Trade unions threatens to go on strikes if demands are not met
Trade unions threatens to go on strikes if demands are not met

The prices of electricity have increased in Bulgaria, following which the maintenance funds have been raised for the schools and kindergarten by 30%. The education trade union have written an open letter to the Prime Minister of Bulgaria – Kiril Petkov, as well as to the Ministers of Finance and Education.

Meanwhile, the Union of Employers in the Public Education System have also demanded that the state subsidies for maintaining the educational institutions must be hiked.


Besides this, it has also asked the government of the European country to hike the salaries for the education institution staff by at least 15%. The Education Trade Unions have also asked the Prime Minister to exempt educational institutions from VAT on maintenance and building tax and garbage tax.

If the demands are not met, the union have also warned the government of the European country about them going on strikes. It further added that schools and kindergartens might also be closed in the month of September if the demands are not fulfilled.

Bulgaria has two main pillars of the electricity-producing sector – coal & nuclear. Coal supplies roughly half of the electricity in the Balkan state & nuclear another 35 percent. The rest is covered by the renewables dominated by large hydro and followed by solar and wind generation.