Sofia, Bulgaria: Prime Minister of Bulgaria – Kiril Petkov, extends his wishes as he congratulates Emmanuel Macron for registering a massive win in the France presidential elections. He also expressed his desire to work together with the French President and looked forward to strengthening the ties between both countries.
Prime Minister Petkov tweeted, “My warm congratulations on your reelection as a President of France, Emmanuel Macron. I look forward to continuing to work with you in a more united and stronger Europe”.
Macron of La République En Marche political party won 58.5% of the votes, becoming President of France for the second consecutive time after his win in 2017.
He defeated Marine Le Pen of the National Rally, who managed to obtain 41.5% of the votes.
Soon after the announcement of Macron’s win, a protest in Paris was reported on Sunday. Videos are going viral of the incident. Youth gathered in the central neighbourhood of Chatelet to protest against Macron. To control the demonstrators, Police used teargas.
Registering a significant victory, Macron, while addressing the people of France, stated, “Each of us matters more than ourselves. This is what makes the French people this singular force that I love so deeply, so intensely, and that I am so proud to serve again”.
“Making France a great ecological Nation is our project”, Macron further emphasized.
While thanking his supporters, the French President further added, “To those who voted for me, not to support my ideas but to block those of the extreme right, your vote obliges me. This evening, I am no longer the candidate of one camp, but the President of all”.
“After five years of transformations, happy and difficult times, exceptional crises too, I want to thank the French men and women who have placed their trust in me to preside over our Republic for the next five years”.