Graffiti transforms grey underpass between boulevards and Todor Kableshkov

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed through its social media account that Graffiti has recently transformed the grey underpass between the metropolitan boulevards "Bulgaria" and "Todor Kableshkov" into a colour and mood-filled art space

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed through its social media account that Graffiti has recently transformed the grey underpass between the metropolitan boulevards
Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed through its social media account that Graffiti has recently transformed the grey underpass between the metropolitan boulevards "Bulgaria" and "Todor Kableshkov" into a colour and mood-filled art space (Image Courtesy-facebook)

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed through its social media account that Graffiti has recently transformed the grey underpass between the metropolitan boulevards “Bulgaria” and “Todor Kableshkov” into a colour and mood-filled art space.

The project is part of the Metropolitan Municipality’s program to facilitate access to the urban environment for people of graffiti art, which was recently adopted by the SOS.


The Four Seasons art project is located 400 square meters on the walls in the attic. It features artists from Brazil, Colombia, Austria, Germany, the UK and Bulgaria. There is a thematic division in the separate corridors of seasons, and in the centre, spring, summer, autumn and winter are united uniquely.

Chairman Georgiev explains that the idea of the murals is to draw public attention to the problems caused by climate change and the severe socio-economic effects of it. For years, the gradual loss of clearly defined seasons has been noticeable.

And more severe consequences such as floods, fires and prolonged heat are a fact in the countries of the moderate climate zone, including Bulgaria. He asserted that citizens need a constant effort to live in harmony with nature, and projects like this aim to remind and form a civic position.

Chairman Georgiev mentioned that It’s good that young people here and around the world are among the most passionate supporters of green policies – to have confidence in the future of the planet. But it is essential to take care of it today, not just tomorrow.

Chairman Georgiev appreciated the efforts of Deliana Angelova and Joan Cenkov from the Dimitar Bojilov Foundation for their actions, organization and implementation of the project, as well as the regional mayors Visionary of Triaditsa and Teodor Petkov of the Vitosha region. He mentioned that together we can make the city more beautiful.