German Economy Minister urges EU to impose sanctions on countries using Russian Uranium, including Bulgaria

Robert Habeck, Vice-Chancellor of Germany and Federal German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) suggested that sanctions be imposed on nations that import uranium (the nuclear fuel) from Russia for their nuclear power facilities

Robert Habeck, Vice-Chancellor of Germany and Federal German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) suggested that sanctions be imposed on nations that import uranium (the nuclear fuel) from Russia for their nuclear power facilities
Robert Habeck, Vice-Chancellor of Germany and Federal German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) suggested that sanctions be imposed on nations that import uranium (the nuclear fuel) from Russia for their nuclear power facilities (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Robert Habeck, Vice-Chancellor of Germany and Federal German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) suggested that sanctions be imposed on nations that import uranium (the nuclear fuel) from Russia for their nuclear power facilities.

He said this in response to Ukrainian officials asking him why, despite numerous economic penalties against Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine, the West has not yet outlawed the purchase of Russian uranium.


Presently, 20% of the uranium imported into the EU is from Russia. This uranium was used in two reactors in Bulgaria, six in the Czech Republic, two in Finland, four in Hungary, and four in Slovakia.

According to his remarks, Habeck indirectly calls for the EU to put sanctions on the nations, including Bulgaria, that acquire uranium from Russia.

The Amended Joint Declaration of Intent between the Ukrainian and German Governments on extending the Energy Partnership is also signed!

German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) Robert Habeck and the Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko have signed an Amended Joint Declaration of Intent between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the extension of the German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership during the visit of Habeck to Kyiv.

The main objective of the bilateral cooperation is to further deepen the collaboration under the Energy Partnership by supporting the restoration and recovery of the Ukrainian energy system impacted by the war, increasing the levels of energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy sources.

The German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership was initiated in 2020. Yesterday, V. Zelenskyj, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejcinovic Buric, & the German Economy & Climate Minister, Robert Habeck, visited the basement visits basement where residents were trapped for 28 days.

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyj, visited the village of Yahidne on Monday. The Russians held 350 Ukrainian civilians captive in a school basement for 28 days at the start of the war.


According to The Guardian, Zelenskyj gave an emotional speech about the many people confined to less than 200 square meters. – According to The Guardian, these people lived and somehow waited for Ukraine in the dark, said Zelenskyy, who seemed “visibly moved”. According to the president, 11 people died due to the confinement.