Ilin Dimitrov delivers certificate to Bulgarian tour operator

Tourism Minister Ilin Dimitrov reported that on March 28, he presented a certificate to a Bulgarian tour operator who received official recognition of the world record group ascent of Kilimanjaro

Tourism Minister Ilin Dimitrov reported that on March 28, he presented a certificate to a Bulgarian tour operator who received official recognition of the world record group ascent of Kilimanjaro
Tourism Minister Ilin Dimitrov reported that on March 28, he presented a certificate to a Bulgarian tour operator who received official recognition of the world record group ascent of Kilimanjaro (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Tourism Minister Ilin Dimitrov reported that on March 28, he presented a certificate to a Bulgarian tour operator who received official recognition of the world record group ascent of Kilimanjaro.

Among the mountaineer’s record holders is also a representative of MT colleague Georgi Kolevicin, Minister Dimitrov recognized a Bulgarian tour operator who entered his name in the Official World Record Association registers as the largest group in the world to climb Kilimanjaro together.


At a ceremony at the Ministry of Tourism, he presented a special certificate to Preslav Konov and Asya Konova, owners of the TO for adventure tourism.

The group of 53 Bulgarians, including collies league Georgi Kolevichin, a legal consultant at the Ministry of Tourism, recorded their names among world record-setters after conquering the roof of Africa with its impressive 5895 meters height two months ago by stepping on Uhuru Peak in Kilimanjaro.

The Tourism Minister reported that the challenge began with 59 adventurers, but due to health problems caused by altitude sickness, it peaked in the early morning hours of January 21, 2023. They reached 53, officially setting a new world record in the category largest group of people to climb Kilimanjaro together.

The presentation of the official certificates will be held on June 10 in Plovdiv, when the film’s premiere dedicated to the world record will take place.

The main difficulty on the way to the top was related to the large number of participants who had to move together all the time, Preslav Konov said.

Mountaineers have traversed through five different ecosystems—from savannah to alpine wilderness—taking serious altitude at the same pace to simultaneously reach the summit, with the record set in January morning, stopping the clock at 7:00 a.m.

So far, the adventurers have had a series of successful expeditions to world peaks such as Damavand (5671 m) in Iran, Elbrus (5642 m) in the Caucasus, Ararat (5165 m) in Turkey, to the iconic Mont Blanc, as well as the African Point Lenana and Tubkal.


Minister Dimitrov stated that he and his colleagues are working hard to attract one of Bulgaria’s world’s largest adventure tourism exhibitions in 2025.