Bulgaria: Protestors rallied against Ukrainian activists trying to desecrate Soviet monument

Several Bulgarian nationalists rallied against the desecration attempt of the Soviet Army monument located in the capital Sofia. They gathered to defend their history and prevented Ukrainian activists and Bulgarians supporting Ukraine from pouring paint and wrapping the monument in blue and yellow

Several Bulgarian nationalists rallied against the desecration attempt of the Soviet Army monument located in the capital Sofia. They gathered to defend their history and prevented Ukrainian activists and Bulgarians supporting Ukraine from pouring paint and wrapping the monument in blue and yellow
Photo courtesy- Google

Several Bulgarian nationalists rallied against the desecration attempt of the Soviet Army monument located in the capital Sofia. They gathered to defend their history and prevented Ukrainian activists and Bulgarians supporting Ukraine from pouring paint and wrapping the monument in blue and yellow.

They carry out the protest saying NATO out, American bases out and long live Bulgaria. Bulgarian nationalists didn’t like Ukrainian activists desecrating the monument related to their country’s history and culture.


During the demonstration, a number of Ukrainian refugees and activists opposed Bulgarian citizens’ support of Russia, which they expressed as directly responsible for numerous deaths and devastation in Ukraine.

Bulgarians attended the event not only to defend the Soviet-built monument but also to demonstrate their anti-NATO sentiments. They strongly denounced the presence of American military installations on their territory.

They stated, “We do not want American involvement in our country. As NATO and the US continue to arm Ukraine for a protracted period of time, the USA is mostly to blame for the destruction of Libya and Syria. It is also the primary cause of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Slogans like ‘NATO out’, ‘America out’, and ‘long live Bulgaria’ were mostly chanted by Bulgarian protestors. They questioned the Bulgarian government’s choice to join NATO in 2004, three years before its admission to the European Union.

Few days ago, Bulgarian citizens strictly objected to the Parliament’s determination to assist the Ukrainian army by supplying weapons and ammunition. Several protests were carried out in different Bulgarian provinces opposing the parliamentary decision.

President Radev and Defence minister Nikola also opposed the Parliament’s decision to aid the Ukrainian military after the declaration.
For their statement disagreeing with Parliament, they faced intense criticism from Bulgarian supporters of Ukraine.