Double murder in Sofia covered by fire, two suspects arrested

In Sofia, there was a double murder that was reported, and the criminals tried to cover it up by setting them on fire. During the evening, a fire was reported at an apartment in building 53 of a close-by condominium in the Banishora neighbourhood

In Sofia, there was a double murder that was reported, and the criminals tried to cover it up by setting them on fire. During the evening, a fire was reported at an apartment in building 53 of a close-by condominium in the Banishora neighbourhood
In Sofia, there was a double murder that was reported, and the criminals tried to cover it up by setting them on fire. During the evening, a fire was reported at an apartment in building 53 of a close-by condominium in the Banishora neighbourhood

In Sofia, there was a double murder that was reported, and the criminals tried to cover it up by setting them on fire. During the evening, a fire was reported at an apartment in building 53 of a close-by condominium in the Banishora neighbourhood. Emergency services got there right away. They verified that two people, Mirka and Evjeni, a mother and son, had perished in the fire. The woman is over 80 years old, while the man is about 60. The fire department doubted that both victims were already dead before the fire occurred.

The mother and son also had a renter in another of their condominium flats, which they eventually sold, according to the neighbours. They’re regular people who have peacefully resided in their apartments for a while. Because they have a cat, they occasionally forget to lock their door, and their neighbours always remind them to do so before leaving the house. It’s difficult to accept that someone would kill them.


The man had a problem before the incident, and some of his neighbours had seen him choking or coughing. At midnight, the firefighters put out the fire and pulled two badly burned bodies from the flat. They were afterwards taken for an autopsy.

It became clear that the suspects murdered the two victims first before setting the apartment on fire to destroy any traces of their activity. After many crime investigation units arrived at the scene, a thorough investigation was conducted. They were given some crucial information that led them right to identify the criminal. Police made two arrests after a protracted hunt for the two people thought to be responsible for the deaths of Mirka and Evjeni.

The detained suspects’ motives for the murder are the subject of an additional police investigation. Additionally, the cops think it was a robbery case which later turned into a double murder. When the victim found the suspects inside their house, they killed them to silence them and afterwards set the apartment on fire to make it appear as though something had gone wrong.