Bulgarian Prime Minister extends wishes to newly elected Prime Minister of Montenegro

Wishing him luck, Prime Minister Petkov tweeted, "My warmest congratulations to Dritan Abazovic on the election as a Prime Minister of Montenegro. I look forward to us working together towards economic development, the rule of law, reforms and prosperity for Montenegro, the region and Europe".

Bulgarian Prime Minister extends wishes to newly elected Prime Minister of Montenegro
Bulgarian Prime Minister extends wishes to newly elected Prime Minister of Montenegro.

Prime Minister of Bulgaria – Kiril Petkov extended wishes to the newly elected Prime Minister of Montenegro – Dr Dritan Abazovic, via his Twitter handle.

Wishing him luck, Prime Minister Petkov tweeted, “My warmest congratulations to Dritan Abazovic on the election as a Prime Minister of Montenegro. I look forward to us working together towards economic development, the rule of law, reforms and prosperity for Montenegro, the region and Europe”.


Apart from him, many other world leaders congratulated the Abazovic for becoming Montenegro’s Prime Minister.

UN Resident Coordinator to Montenegro – Peter Lundberg, stated, “On behalf of the UN in Montenegro I would like to welcome the new Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic & Speaker Danijela Djurovic on their election; the UN family in Montenegro look forward to advancing the 2030 Agenda and the full realization of the SDGs with the new government”.

The President of the EU Commission – Ursula von der Leyen, stated, “Congratulations to Dritan Abazovic and the new government of Montenegro. I’m looking forward to working with you in order to bring Montenegro ever closer to the EU. The future of Montenegro is European”.

Prime Minister of Estonia – Kaja Kallas, extending congratulations, tweeted, “My sincere greetings to Montenegro’s new Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic and his government. Looking forward to working together as Estonia and Montenegro are good friends and NATO allies. You can count on our support in every way on Montenegro’s EU path”.

Member of Ukraine Parliament – Inna Sovsun, cited, “Congratulations to #Montenegro on the appointment of a new Prime Minister! Dritan Abazovic, together with you, Montenegro will be able to build a green & progressive European society. The Europe of the future will definitely include #Ukraine & Montenegro”.