Prensa Latina Cuban news agency interviewed Lavrov, discuss ongoing concerns

Yesterday, on April 3, 2023, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was interviewed by Prensa Latina Cuban news agency. During the conversation, he discussed the ongoing Russia-Ukraine Crisis, calling it a special Military operation

Yesterday, on April 3, 2023, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was interviewed by Prensa Latina Cuban news agency. During the conversation, he discussed the ongoing Russia-Ukraine Crisis, calling it a special Military operation
Yesterday, on April 3, 2023, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was interviewed by Prensa Latina Cuban news agency. During the conversation, he discussed the ongoing Russia-Ukraine Crisis, calling it a special Military operation (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Yesterday, on April 3, 2023, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was interviewed by Prensa Latina Cuban news agency. During the conversation, he discussed the ongoing Russia-Ukraine Crisis, calling it a special Military operation.

He said, “We are fighting for our country’s security, for the people whom the Kyiv regime declared terrorists and publicly threatened to destroy”.


Indirectly accusing the West of provoking the conflict, Minister Lavrov commented that Russia tried to open talks with Kyiv. Still, countries backing Ukraine are pushing the battle by providing a sophisticated amount of weapons to Kyiv, threatening Russian security.

Speaking about the sanctions imposed by the EU on Russia for attacking Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Minister highlights that almost 75% of the countries across the globe, especially in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, didn’t support or join the sanctions imposed on Russia for carrying the special military operation in Ukraine.

He claims that the West is constantly blackmailing and threatening those nations with severing access to funding or creating issues with the IMF or World Bank loans. “I can’t even remember anything like that happening during Cold War”, said Lavrov.

The Russian Foreign Minister commented that with the support of Friendly countries and partners, Russia is working on new strategies to establish financing, banking and supply chains that will not rely on the impulses of the United States.

Minister Lavrov also discussed the relations of Russia with the EU and the involvement of the US. He stressed that Europe was losing its competitive advantage over the US as a continent and was compelled to abandon cheap Russian gas.

He claimed European industrialization was on the brink of extinction as it fled to the United States. “A reconsideration has begun, including the minds of European politicians”, said Lavrov.

Regarding the relations of the Russian Federation with Cuba, Minister Lavrov remarked that the relationship between the two countries could be defined as a strategic partnership. He stated that the cooperation between both countries goes back numerous decades.


Despite sanctions and various difficulties, Russia and Cuba have already developed multiple measures and strategies to achieve their goals, regardless of the restrictive measures imposed by the West.