We do not want to create a European army: EU’s Foreign Affairs & Security Policy representative Borrell

The statement of Borrell comes on a document endorsed by the foreign and defence ministers, called as the "Strategic Compass". 

We do not want to create a European army: EU's Foreign Affairs & Security Policy representative Borrell
We do not want to create a European army: EU's Foreign Affairs & Security Policy representative Borrell

Sofia, Bulgaria: High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, in his recent statement, cited that the European Union was not looking forward to building its own army for the time. 

The statement of Borrell comes on a document endorsed by the foreign and defence ministers, called as the “Strategic Compass”. 


Borell asserted, “We do not want to create a European army. EU Rapid Deployment Capacity” that could allow the bloc to “quickly deploy up to 5,000 troops.”  

Following his above statement, he added, “We will conduct live exercises together”. Borell then emphasized that the member states of the Commission will continue to have their own armies, adding the nations are required to work closely together with each other. 

Borell further tweeted, “Europe cannot afford to be a bystander in the world. The #StrategicCompass is a guide for action to face our responsibilities and to safeguard European citizens, interests and values. With actionable proposals and clear timelines.” 

Showing in support of the war-torn country, Borell cited, “EU stands united in support of #Ukraine. Ministers reached a political agreement for the next tranche of €500M under the European Peace Facility; we will continue economic support and humanitarian assistance; isolate Russia and call out its war crimes.” 

“Europe is in danger is not rhetorics – it is blatantly obvious, also with the war Russia is waging against – Ukraine. Our reaction has showcased that the EU can act firmly and quickly when united. And the adoption of the #StrategicCompass confirms this.”  

Borell further condemned the Russian military for cutting off the water access to the population and stated, “#Mariupol: the Russian armed forces have deliberately cut off the population’s access to safe water. Water should never be utilized as a weapon of war – in #Ukraine or anywhere else.”  

Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine shows how crucial it is to contain the environmental impacts of conflict and to prevent the appropriation and overexploitation of water resources.” 
