Pakistan: Government enables publication of religious books for minority communities

The Pakistani government has permitted the publication of their religious books for students in minority communities to read and study under the auspices of the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training

The Pakistani government has permitted the publication of their religious books for students in minority communities to read and study under the auspices of the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
The Pakistani government has permitted the publication of their religious books for students in minority communities to read and study under the auspices of the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

The Pakistani government has permitted the publication of their religious books for students in minority communities to read and study under the auspices of the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.

Sikhs and Christians are among the groups on this list. The largest minority group in Pakistan, the Hindu Minority, was purposefully ignored by the government.


Anjum James Paul, the chairman of the Pakistan Minorities Teachers Association (PMTA), said that allowing the Christian and Sikh communities to publish their religious textbooks for students to study from will allow the minority students to learn about their religion in schools that are currently studying ethics.

In light of this, the PMTA chairman declared that the books would shortly be published. The government will also include these books in both public and private schools’ textbooks.

The minority groups, including Hindus, Buddhists, Parsees, Kalash, and Baha’is, are not permitted to print their religious textbooks in these processes.

There are issues with the Pakistani government’s choice. The Sikh uprisings in Punjab, India, have received direct support from the Pakistani government. Also, the Pakistani government supports terrorist strikes and training in the region.

The Pakistani intelligence service, ISI, is pleading with the government to sympathise with the Sikh minority in Pakistan as India is dealing with a fresh wave of demands from pro-Khalistan activists.

There are various issues with the timing of the government’s exemptions for releasing religious textbooks. According to experts, Pakistan is using the gesture as part of a plan to encourage terrorism in India.

According to the aforementioned plan, Pakistani authorities send heroin, weapons, and ammunition to support the Khalistani cause.


The Pakistani government is manipulating the Sikh community to their advantage. By preventing the Hindu community and several other religious minorities from producing their sacred texts, they are purposefully ignoring them.