Deputy PM Ernest Hilaire admires SLTA for promoting Saint Lucia as premier destination

Castries, Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism applauds the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) staff for their efforts and continuous work done to promote Saint Lucia as a premier destination

Castries, Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism applauds the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) staff for their efforts and continuous work done to promote Saint Lucia as a premier destination
Castries, Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism applauds the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) staff for their efforts and continuous work done to promote Saint Lucia as a premier destination (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Castries, Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism applauds the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) staff for their efforts and continuous work done to promote Saint Lucia as a premier destination.

On the fourth day of Showcase 2023, Minister Hilaire commented that Thursday was a long day of updates and briefings between the travel partners and travel agents.


He shared the details and a glimpse of the meeting on his official Facebook Account, appreciating the efforts of the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority, who did all the main work.

Deputy PM noted that the day ended with the 28th Saint Lucia Gala Dinner. It was a fantastic affair which saw leaders of the diaspora as well as other outstanding travel partners recognized for their contribution to promoting Saint Lucia.

He added that it was inspiring to have the talented Curmiah perform and show off the best of Saint Lucia.

On his Social media, Minister Hilaite wrote, “Yesterday reminded me of the hard work that the staff of the SLTA put in to ensure that Saint Lucia is promoted as a premier destination”.

Leading the meeting, Tourism Minister Hilaire shared essential details and strategies primarily focusing on boosting tourism as the driest season is arriving.

Saint Lucia is consistently among the favourite list of tourists due to its weather, scenery, piton mountains, culture and a large number of beaches. But majority of tourists visit in the driest months, from December to April.

Saint Lucia experiences its high season from December to April. During this time, visitors can expect dry and pleasant sunny weather.


Yesterday’s meeting marks the last day of Showcase 2023, starting September 11, 2023. The primary objective of this series of meetings between partners and stakeholders of the Caribbean and travel partners of the United Kingdom was to discuss new tourism strategies, aviation challenges and various crucial tourism-related matters.

Deputy PM Ernest Hilaire led all the meetings for five consecutive days, discussing their ideas and approaches. He commented that the agents were immersed in a Saint Lucian experience.