Saint Lucia: Tourism Minister Ernest Hilaire strides to make tourism eco-friendly

Castries, Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism Minister of Saint Lucia informed through his social media account that yesterday, the Ministry of Tourism is focused on implementing new investments in the sector to make eco-friendly tourism activities that do not harm the environment

Castries, Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism Minister of Saint Lucia informed through his social media account that yesterday, the Ministry of Tourism is focused on implementing new investments in the sector to make eco-friendly tourism activities that do not harm the environment
Castries, Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism Minister of Saint Lucia informed through his social media account that yesterday, the Ministry of Tourism is focused on implementing new investments in the sector to make eco-friendly tourism activities that do not harm the environment (Image Courtesy-facebook)

Castries, Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism Minister of Saint Lucia informed through his social media account that yesterday, the Ministry of Tourism is focused on implementing new investments in the sector to make eco-friendly tourism activities that do not harm the environment.

The Saint Lucia Ministry of Tourism also launched World Tourism Week along with Saint Lucia Tourism Authority, Community Tourism Agency and Saint Lucia Hospitality and Tourism Association.


This year, the theme of ‘World Tourism Day 2023’ is “Tourism and Green Investments”. This aims to implement and invest in sustainable initiatives within the tourism sector to protect the environment.

Deputy PM Hilaire remarked that Saint Lucia is committed to ensuring that all new and previous investments in the sector adhere to policies that create eco-friendly activities, do not harm the environment, and manage every tourism activity under eco-friendly conditions.

World Tourism Day, celebrated on September 27 every year since 1980. The primary objective of this season is to encourage the UNWTO’s strategic priorities like investing in innovation, digital transformation with supporting ecosystem and entrepreneurship.

Minister Hilaire highlighted that he looks forward to the week’s activities and the participation of all stakeholders and the general public in all the activities.

Saint Lucia is highly popular for its majestic Piton mountains, spectacular waterfalls, volcanoes, hiking trails and beautiful beaches. The island nation is ranked for a record-breaking eight times as the number 1 honeymoon destination.

Numerous visitors from various countries visit the Helen of the West Indies to explore its crystal clear water beaches and other beautiful sites. The Tourism Ministry of Saint Lucia focuses on taking adequate measures to conserve the environment without halting any tourism activity.

Tourism Minister Hilaire called all stakeholders and the general public to participate in all activities scheduled during World Tourism Week and experience eco-friendly strategies celebrating ‘World Tourism Week 2023’.


He urged everyone to contribute to conserving the environment and conduct tourism activities without harming nature.