PM Terrance Drew visits St Vincent and Grenadines, discuss strengthening bilateral ties and cooperation in OESC region

Prime Minister Drew's bilateral visit to St. Vincent and Grenadines is expected to boost regional cooperation and strengthen bilateral ties. The two nations will discuss to tackle the effects of climate change and fulfil the requirements of resources collectively

Prime Minister Drew's bilateral visit to St. Vincent and the Grenadines is expected to boost regional cooperation and strengthen bilateral ties. The two nations will discuss to tackle the effects of climate change and fulfil the requirements of resources collectively
Prime Minister Drew's bilateral visit to St. Vincent and the Grenadines is expected to boost regional cooperation and strengthen bilateral ties. The two nations will discuss to tackle the effects of climate change and fulfil the requirements of resources collectively (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis: PM Terrance Drew, Prime Minister and Minister of Health of St Kitts and Nevis, is on his visit to St. Vincent and the Grenadines for a series of planned visits to the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) nations during his tenure as the head of the security.

He assumed this position in June 2023. During the meeting, PM Drew will discuss significance matters related to national and regional issues. He left the federation yesterday and will return on Sunday, August 27, 2023.


Prime Minister Drew’s bilateral visit to St. Vincent and Grenadines is expected to boost regional cooperation and strengthen bilateral ties. The two nations will discuss to tackle the effects of climate change and fulfil the requirements of resources collectively.

PM Drew will encounter several St. Vincent and Grenadines’ officials, including Montgomery Daniel, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Camillo Gonsalves, Finance Minister and Keisal Peters, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The Prime Minister of Twin Island Federation is also scheduled to visit St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ cannabis industry. He will take a tour of the cannabis industry at CANAS SVG Medicinal Cannabis Farm, a firm with remarkable experience in manufacturing medical-grade cannabis using advanced technologies and expert knowledge to ensure top-quality products.

Prime Minister Drew understands the potential benefits and effectiveness of the cannabis industry and hopes to gain insights and explore opportunities for collaboration with St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Additionally, Prime Minister Terrance Drew will discuss health, climate and several crucial matters with Keisal Peters, Minister of Foreign Affairs of St. Vincent and Grenadines and other ministers related to health and environment.

These discussions will encompass various topics, including public health initiatives, regional cooperation, and strategies for sustainable development. Prime Minister Drew seeks to foster stronger ties and promote effective collaboration among the Eastern Caribbean nations by actively participating in these discussions.

The meeting will cover several other topics, including boosting the health sector, increasing regional cooperation and new strategies for sustainable development. PM Drew primarily seeks to strengthen ties with St Vincent, Grenadines, and other Eastern Caribbean countries.


Prime Minister Drew’s visit to OSEC countries demonstrates his commitment to increase cooperation and develop bilateral ties that will benefit St Kitts and Nevis and other Caribbean nations. As the head of the OECS Authority, his primary objectives are to boost regional cooperation, economic growth and sustainable development throughout the OECS region.

Prime Minister Terrance Drew will return to St Kitts and Nevis on Sunday, August 27, 2023. In his absence, Geoffrey Hanley, the Deputy Prime Minister, will be assuming the role of Prime Minister, while Terrance Drew, the current PM, is attending to a crucial matter overseas.