World: The United Nations – UNHRC has called on the world leaders and the global population to come forward and provide much-needed assistance on their part to the Ukraine refugees.
UNHRC agency cited, “The human impact and suffering caused by the war in Ukraine are staggering, and they will continue to grow until the war ends. Together with partners, we are calling for urgent support to help refugees and the neighbouring countries generously hosting them”.
According to the data shared by the United Nations, the Russia-Ukraine war resulted in leaving at least 15.7 million people in urgent need of life-saving assistance.
“Humanitarians need $2.25 billion to support 8.7 million of the most vulnerable people inside the country”, the agency further quoted.
“While nations in the region continue to welcome refugees from Ukraine, the scale of arrivals and breadth of needs require further support. The regional response involves 142 partners and seeks USD$1.85b to help refugees and the countries hosting them”.
Today is the 62 nd day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The world is moving forward, but the lives, homes, families and well-being of the Ukrainian citizens have been destroyed to the core. The war has forced over 5 million Ukraine nationals to flee the country since the Russian military invaded.
Ukraine has been calling on the world leaders to come forward and assist the war-torn country, specifically in terms of military and weapons.
“5 million people have now fled the war in Ukraine. UN Refugees
is helping them with: Emergency relief supplies Safe spaces for children & families Mental health counselling Cash assistance Support for protection from gender-based violence”, the organisation further underscored.