Saint Lucia: PM Philip J. Pierre congratulates Taiwan on its 112th National Day

Castries, Saint Lucia: Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, yesterday extended best wishes to the government and the people of Republic of China (Taiwan) on the occasion of the 112th observance of Double Ten Day

Castries, Saint Lucia: Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, yesterday extended best wishes to the government and the people of Republic of China (Taiwan) on the occasion of the 112th observance of Double Ten Day
Castries, Saint Lucia: Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, yesterday extended best wishes to the government and the people of Republic of China (Taiwan) on the occasion of the 112th observance of Double Ten Day (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

Castries, Saint Lucia: Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, yesterday extended best wishes to the government and the people of Republic of China (Taiwan) on the occasion of the 112th observance of Double Ten Day.

Yesterday, Taiwan celebrated its 112th National Day with a display of military aircraft flying over the Presidential Office and an annual street parade featuring performances by local and foreign groups in Taipei.


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre congratulated the country on marking its 112th National Day. He noted that Saint Lucia is willing to deepen its ties with Taiwan for cooperation and collective development.

He said, “May our shared interests and commitment to our people continue to be the cornerstone of our friendship”.

Prime Minister J. Pierre thanked the country for the special operations equipment Saint Lucia received from the Republic of China (Taiwan) to equip the Forensic Services Unit with cutting-edge firearms examinations and analysis capabilities.

The Forensic Services Unit will be able to conduct DNA analysis on firearms, restore serial numbers to trace guns, potentially identify weapon users, and link firearms with crime scenes or perpetrators. The Unit will also be capable of connecting crime scenes without having a physical weapon for comparison.

The Cultural Development Foundation also extended its warm wishes on the occasion of Taiwan National Day to the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) as they celebrate the 112th anniversary of their National Day of Independence.

With support from the Spotlight on Taiwan Project, it has been an invaluable source of support for the CDF in enhancing the capacity development of Saint Lucia artists, significantly contributing to the growth and advancement of Saint Lucian creative sector.

The Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Philip J. Pierre, hopes for the continued growth and strengthening of the friendship between two nations.
