Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, Chairman of the Metropolitan Council, informed through his social media account that on July 25, 2023, the Sofia Municipality started construction of the green corridor in the Hope District, which will connect Hope Park with the Northern Park.
With this project, the Municipality create the opportunity for pedestrian mobility in green infrastructure. The idea is to improve urban connectivity between parks, gardens, schools and public transport through green corridors.
During the process, Chairman Georgiev emphasized that the Municipality of Sofia identified one main route over 2.5 km long. and an area of 7300 sq. meters.
It includes eight areas – amphitheatre, city park, learning greenhouse, playgrounds, reconstruction of an existing pedestrian bridge, sports grounds and parking. Recreational elements will be created throughout the green corridor, and eco-friendly benches, bins, and the existing flooring will be replaced.
Until 15 Adam Mickiewicz High School, a project for a school greenhouse will be implemented. It will be heated entirely by the mineral water from the well that is nearby.
The project has been approved and funded wholly and free of charge by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 – URBiNAT project program, in which Chairman Georgiev participate with other major European partner cities such as Barcelona, Copenhagen, etc.
The Metropolitan chairman gave credit for the new green corridor to Mayor Engineer Dimitar Dimov, the chief architect Zdravko Zdravkov, who is the head of the project, the Mayor of the Nadezhda region Yordanka Fandakova and the municipal councillor Tatyana Georgieva. He thanked them for their cooperation and active work.