Opera Plovdiv to host specialized workshop for students interested in digital art

Plovdiv, Bulgaria: On September 6, Opera Plovdiv will host a specialized workshop aimed at students and professionals interested in digital art, interactive installations, video mapping projections, virtual scenography and more

Plovdiv, Bulgaria: On September 6, Opera Plovdiv will host a specialized workshop aimed at students and professionals interested in digital art, interactive installations, video mapping projections, virtual scenography and more
Plovdiv, Bulgaria: On September 6, Opera Plovdiv will host a specialized workshop aimed at students and professionals interested in digital art, interactive installations, video mapping projections, virtual scenography and more (Image Courtesy-facebook)

Plovdiv, Bulgaria: On September 6, Opera Plovdiv will host a specialized workshop aimed at students and professionals interested in digital art, interactive installations, video mapping projections, virtual scenography and more.

The training will present methods of building multifunctional digital spaces and interacting between performers, the environment and the audience. Participants will have the opportunity to compare various software and hardware tools and learn some techniques for creating interactive video mapping.


The leading lecturer is Petko Tanchev Petko Tanchev – a visual artist and scenographer at the Plovdiv State Opera. In his work, he uses software systems and experimental-oriented media content.

His professional career includes several installations for national and international festivals, digital performances, stage projects, mapping projections, video artworks, and interactive designs in the fields of the performing arts and advertising industry.

Since 2016, Petko Tanchev has been a professor in Digital Arts at the National Academy of Arts, Sofia, and in 2023 he graduated as a doctor with a dissertation on Visual Programming Tools.

Participation in the workshop is free after pre-registration. To apply, please send your CV and portfolio to the following e-mail address: operaplovdiv.lab@gmail.com. The deadline for entries is August 27, 2023. We will contact approved candidates by August 28. The working language in the workshop is Bulgarian.

The technical requirements for participants are to have their laptop or computer. The training will be conducted mainly with the TouchDesigner software platform.

The participants need to install the program on their working machines; for the purpose of the workshop, the free version is enough. Prior experience with TouchDesigner and other similar tools is recommended but optional. The presentation includes an introduction to working with the platform.

The seminar is part of the project “Laboratory for the Development of New Digital Expressions for Music and Performing Arts” of the Plovdiv Opera and is implemented with the financial support of the National Culture Fund, Bulgaria.
