Dryanovo, Bulgaria: On June 16, 2023, at Maxim Rajkovich University, The Municipality of Dryanovo held a Parent Academy on the topic: “How to talk to my child to build a positive relationship with him?”.
The initiative is part of the activities committed in the Municipal Action Plan of the Municipality of Dryanovo in implementing the National Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of Roma (2023-2024).
The purpose of the meeting was to prove that, although difficult, it is possible to establish a Parent School as an effective model for partnership. Involving parents in helping teachers is also one of the priorities in the Municipal Plan for Integration of Roma.
The Dryanovo Municipality expects that the “School for Parents” model will contribute to developing many social skills and establishing good partnership communication with parents. The organizers – Dryanovo Municipality and Maxim Rajkovich Primary School- desired to improve the activity of this partnership model.
Members of the Public Council for Integration in the Municipality of Dryanovo present during the parent academy were Marieta Vatkova – Expert in RUO – Gabrovo, Tatiana Dekova – expert in the Municipality of Dryanovo and Shefkat Isin – health mediator and chairman of the Association “Regional Development and Integration of Minorities” Dryanovo.
The school psychologist – Lyudmila Velikova, presented a presentation. Parents were introduced to various cases and methods that will help them in the upbringing and upbringing of their children.
At the end of the meeting, the parents present received a gift book with a thematic orientation provided by the Municipality of Dryanovo. The school principal thanked all the parents and guests who attended the event.