The Road Minister of Culture Associate Professor, Dr Plamen Slavov, presented the Golden Griffon Awards as part of the 61st National Archaeological Conference at the Regional Historical Museum in Pleven, where he was a special guest on May 25.
The Associate Professor chaired the conference, which is part of the events on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the beginning of the museum case in Pleven. Dr Hristo Popov – Director of the National Archaeological Institute with a Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences- was opened yesterday by the Mayor of Pleven Georg Spartanski.
During the official opening of the Associate Professor. Dr Slavov noted that Pleven Municipality is the municipality in Bulgaria that allocates the largest relative share of the municipal cultural budget.
According to him, what is happening in the area of culture in the territory of Pleven Municipality and the part of the Regional Historical Museum there is thanks to the municipal leadership in the name of Mayor Georg Spartanski and the presence of the Municipal Council – Pleven.
Deputy Minister Associate Professor. Dr Plamen Slavov also presented the prestigious annual award of the Ministry of Culture for achievements in archaeological science, “Golden Griffon”.
Dr Stefan Alexandrov has published over 100 scientific articles and studies in prestigious Bulgarian and foreign editions. His recognisability as a scientist is evidenced by the significant number of quotes – over 600, much of which are in publications by foreign authors.
Teaching is an important place in his professional career. He leads courses on various aspects of Bronze Age archaeology at St. Sofia University. Kliment Ohridski, at the New Bulgarian University and Veliko Turnovo University “St. s. Cyril and Methodius For the last ten years, he has been studying a lecture course, “Theoretical Archeology” at the University of Sofia.
This activity, as well as his fieldwork, positively affects the scientific development of many Bulgarian archaeologists. Activities related to preserving and popularising Bulgarian cultural heritage especially stand out in the project “Non-destructive archaeological research for digital 3D and photographic photography of rock drawings in Magurata Cave, region. Vidin was carried out in 2017.