Borissov: ‘Jamcorp scam has continued, Energy Minister must respond

Boyko Borissov, GERB leader, claimed that the documents prove that Kiril Petkov has given all our energy to a concession and the Jamcorp scam has not been stopped

With high energy prices and an impending economic recession, Bulgaria's leading political party, the centre-right GERB, was granted seven days to form a government on Monday. The country has been in a protracted political deadlock
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Boyko Borissov, GERB leader, claimed that the documents prove that Kiril Petkov has given all our energy to a concession and the Jamcorp scam has not been stopped.

He urged that the official energy minister must respond to whether the Jamcorp documents received in an official order are authentic or not.


During the press conference, he remarked, ” I am convinced that the people in “We continue the change” and “Democratic Bulgaria” do not even know about these scams. Kiril Petkov told Tsvetanka Rizova that the memorandum with Jamcorp had been terminated. This is a lie”.

”There is still a large enough group in society that believes in “change”. With each passing day, what they will understand about them will reduce their trust”.

He added, ”Our voters also want a paper. And children no longer believe their mafia wanted to come back stories”.

Speaking about their victory in elections, he said, ”Square democracy has become fashionable. Just a few weeks ago, we defeated them in the elections – by their rules, with their flash drives, machines and the Election Code”.

While criticizing Petkov’s ruling strategies, he said, ” Kiril’s party, ‘We continue the change,’ pushes the state into greater chaos. The nuclear plant in Zaporozhye was again fired today. In this situation, we risk losing a parliament! And he does a wonderful job”.

Speaking about previous rulers, he highlighted that Bulgarian nationalists rejected Hadzhigenov, Babikyan, and Maya Manolova in three-four elections in a row. ”Why does a small group determine what should happen in the country? Bulgaria is not a square democracy. The people decide who should rule the country by elections”.

While demanding another election, he said, ”We provided the money for the machines, and the CEC held the competition. If we want 100% machine voting, let’s get the devices from the USA. Or, this code, this software, to be taken by a country and stored. We established a Cybersecurity Agency so magic hackers couldn’t affect the vote”.


Borissov stressed that Without a stable government in winter, no decision would be able to be made. A fifth of people’s income has gone because of inflation Bulgaria faced in recent months. ”He emphasizes that people want government and parliament to solve their problems. Even the budget won’t be extended if we all walk out of parliament. I don’t want an unstable country”.