Bulgaria: Ministry of Foreign affairs consoles Istanbul attack victims

The Bulgarian ministry of foreign affairs has given its condolence to their neighbour country Turkey which recently suffered from another attack in Istiklal, Istanbul

The Bulgarian ministry of foreign affairs has given its condolence to their neighbour country Turkey which recently suffered from another attack in Istiklal, Istanbul
photo credits-Google

The Bulgarian ministry of foreign affairs has given its condolence to their neighbour country Turkey which recently suffered from another attack in Istiklal, Istanbul.

While issuing the statement, the ministry gave heartfelt condolence to the family members of the victims and wished for a swift recovery of the wounded.


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reported that the explosion at Istanbul’s busy retail thoroughfare Istiklal left six people dead and more than a hundred others injured. A suicide bomber carried out the incident.

Erdogan said, “It might be wrong if we claim that this is terror, but according to first signs… there is a smell of sheer terror there. The offenders of this horrific act are being pursued by several state agencies”.

On Sunday afternoon, many people were in the area, so police fenced it off while helicopters flew over the city’s core to provide overwatch and sirens sounded.

Images shared on social media at the time of the explosion show that flames accompanied it and that people instantly ran in all directions out of fright.

These pictures leaked on social media platforms showed an enormous dark crater and several bodies on the ground nearby. Istiklal Street had previously been attacked during an attack campaign that targeted Istanbul in 2015–2016.

These attacks, which the Islamic State organisation claimed, left more than 2,000 people wounded and almost 500 dead.

Many countries worldwide have expressed their condolences to Turkey for the catastrophe in Istanbul and pledged to support the nation during these harsh times and in its fight against terrorism.


According to the Turkish authorities, an investigation is being conducted to determine what caused the explosion and who is responsible for the incident. They ensure that the perpetrators will pay for their heinous deeds.