Due to the continuous rise in illegal immigrant activities, a partial state emergency is declared in the regions of Burgas, Yambol and Haskovo regions. Yesterday, Ivan Demerdzhiev, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs, announced this state of emergency to ensure the working of border police and to repair the roads that lead to the border.
Over ten illegal migrant activities have been discovered in the last two months. The significant incidents primarily occurred in Burgas when a bus from the Turkish border entered the territory of Burgas. Two policemen died that day while intercepting the bus. Recently, border Police captured another group of illegal migrants. Most of them belong to Syria and Afghanistan.
Ivan said, “We need to be allowed to move our equipment around freely in the field to effectively deal with the daily growing flow of illegal immigrants. The performance of these functions on these routes and in this condition is impossible. A similar project had been planned during the previous administration, but it turned out that it was not carried out. Therefore, we must finish it as soon as possible”.
Joint teams start patrols in Strandzha Mountain from the interior ministry and forestry. Ivan Demerdzhiev, the minister of internal affairs, outlined the plan’s objectives as combating poaching and illegal logging.
Yavor Gechev, the minister of agriculture, repeated that there is no proof of illicit logging in the Karlovo region’s flooded communities. There were no criminal offences discovered.
Gechev added, “All things that need to be checked were thoroughly checked. Several irregularities were found, including the severity of the felling, uncleared fellings, and incorrectly temporarily stored timber. Only one element, the illnesses for which numerous logging operations had been carried out, is still unknown to us. Even though some of the things we find may not be right, they are legal. In reality, we are verifying for legality.”