Read Here: World No Tobacco Day Quotes

The day was initially marked in the year 1987. It entices global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. 

Read Here: World No Tobacco Day Quotes
Read Here: World No Tobacco Day Quotes

May 31 is observed as World No Tobacco Day with the motive to raise awareness among the general public about the ill effects of Tobacco. 

The day was initially marked in the year 1987. It entices global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. 


Below are the quotes on World NO Tobacco Day – 

  • Tobacco smoke contains chemicals which weaken the body’s immune system, making it more susceptible to disease & handicapping its ability to destroy cancer cells.
  • Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you have lost a very important part of your life.
  • Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, & dangerous to the lungs. 
  • Smoking is like cutting onions – it impacts you and the people beside you.
  • Don’t smoke – nicotine & Tobacco can really hurt your skin. 
  • Smoking is an expenditure beyond your need. 
  • Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak – sometimes, it means you are strong enough & smart enough to let go.
  • Tobacco is a terrorist which makes you hollow day by day & then ends your life.
  • Smoke and Tobacco are never solutions to stress & tension. Rather these two are the biggest tensions on which – you must work by throwing them out of your life.
  • Tobacco kills more people than any – other addiction, and it is time we educate people young and old people alike to stay away from Tobacco
  • Tobacco is a slow poison which kills us & kills our loved ones gradually every day. Let us save the lives of our loved ones from this poison which is – ruining our lives & murdering our happiness and health.
  • If you substitute marijuana for Tobacco & alcohol, you will add eight to 24 years to your life. 
  • When we opt out of Tobacco, we gift ourselves and our families the most beautiful gift of life. 
  • The best time to stop smoking is when the cigarette arrives at the filter.