All 185 samples of COVID patients tests positive for Omicron variant in Bulgaria

National Centre for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCIPD) of Bulgaria yesterday, in its report, stated that all the 185 samples taken have detected positive for the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus.

All 185 samples of COVID patients tests positive for Omicron variant in Bulgaria
All 185 samples of COVID patients tests positive for Omicron variant in Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria: National Centre for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCIPD) of Bulgaria yesterday, in its report, stated that all the 185 samples taken have detected positive for the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus. These samples of the COVID-19 patients were taken in the time frame between March 10 to March 30 from the sixteen districts of the Balkan state out of 28 districts.  

Meanwhile, the data further reveals that four patients were among the individuals whose samples were taken scummed to the contagious mutant. At the present time, there are a total of thirty-eight (38) individuals who are in the hospital facilities, whereas a total of 112 COVID patients are undergoing treatment at home. 


Below is the list of Bulgarian districts in decreasing order with the number of the Omicron sub-variants: 

  • Sofia (42), 
  • followed by the districts of Plovdiv (36), 
  • Bourgas (27), 
  • Veliko Turnovo (17), 
  • Varna (14) 
  • and Pleven (12).

NCIPD’s data states that among these, at least thirty-one (31) individuals got recovered from the virus and have been discharged from the hospital facilities.

BA.2 subvariant of the Omicron strain was discovered in 125 cases out of 185, being dominant, which accounts for 67.6%, which previously stood at 68.2%. Meanwhile, the remaining cases involved sub-variants – BA.1, 18 cases of BA.1.1 and 26 cases of BA.2.9. 

To date, more than 115,000 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus have been recorded in the European country since the beginning of the pandemic. At the same time, 36,827 patients with viral illness have lost their lives to the deadliest mutant in Bulgaria so far. 

Speaking on the current situation of the COVID-19 in the world, Maria Van Kerkhove – Infectious Disease Epidemiologist; COVID-19 Technical Lead of World Health Organisation, stated, “We continue to track this. We continue to report this & we continue to advise countries to keep up their surveillance & continue to reporting cases & deaths and in particular hospitalizations to us“. 

All future scenarios of COVID-19 must including planning, care, compassion, recognition, research, advocacy for – LongCovid,” Van Kerkhove further added. 

