Bulgaria supports decision of suspending Russia’s UNHRC membership

Statement of the Foreign Ministry states, "By its actions, Russia has indicated that it does not respect the basic principles on which the HRC is established and cannot continue to be a member." 

Bulgaria supports decision of suspending Russia's UNHRC membership
Bulgaria supports decision of suspending Russia's UNHRC membership

Sofia, Bulgaria: The Foreign Ministry of the Balkan state – of Bulgaria, on Wednesday, April 6, stated that the country is in support of the United States, the United Kingdom and other like-minded countries in regards to suspending the membership of Russia in the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). This decision of Bulgaria comes along with the efforts of the European Union.  

Statement of the Foreign Ministry states, “By its actions, Russia has indicated that it does not respect the basic principles on which the HRC is established and cannot continue to be a member.” 


It then added by saying, “This aggression damages the foundations of the international order – the territorial integrity & sovereignty of states, peace, security, stability, predictability, rules and respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.”  

Bulgarian Foreign Ministry further condemned the steps of the Russian government, citing that its aggression against Ukraine is an “extremely serious violation” of the United Nations Charter and of International Law in general.  

“Bulgaria strongly condemns these crimes and calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice,” further released statement of the foreign ministry asserts. 

It then confirmed that Bulgaria is supporting the draft resolution, which has been submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations in order to suspend the membership of Russia amid its Ukraine invasion, and further also asked the other member states to come forward and do the same. 

Meanwhile, providing support to the Ukraine refugees, the European Commission stated, “We will provide aid to those fleeing the war find a path to meaningful employment while facilitating their integration. Today we issued a recommendation on the academic as well as professional recognition of qualifications for individuals fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine.” 

Besides this, the Commission is hosting a pledging event on April 9, 2022, to show their support for the Ukrainian population. 

European Commission tweeted, “Mark your calendar! This Saturday, the #StandUpForUkraine pledging event will take place in Warsaw. We will raise much-needed funds to support internally displaced and refugees. Stay tuned, take action and donate via http://forukraine.com.” 
