Sofia, Bulgaria: Chief State Health of Bulgaria – Inspector Angel Kunchev, during a recent interview yesterday, stated that “it is too early to say good-bye” to the contagious COVID-19 pandemic. The remarks came by the health inspector as he opposed the decision of the Bulgarian government of abolishing the emergency epidemic situation, following which COVID-19 measures such as wearing masks and maintaining a social distance will not be mandatory from April 1, 2022.Â
The announcement of this upliftment was made by the Bulgarian government on Saturday, March 26. Â
Speaking about the possibility of the sixth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health inspector said, “It will not be the same. I do not believe that we will reach such huge morbidity as there was in the last wave. Even if it rises, it will not be associated with a very sharp increase in the number of people in need of hospital care and intensive care. That is what we see in the West.”Â
 The health inspector highlighted that 300 000 new cases are being reported in Germany, which margin is close to Bulgaria, and the government cannot say and behave like the things (pandemic) are over.Â
He stated, “No, they are not over. They are moving towards what we have all been talking about, that probably – but not soon – Covid will become one of the many respiratory viruses, not so scary, but it will not disappear.” Â
Following the above statement, he then noted that a green pass would be required to take entry in Bulgaria for some time, “It is also a reciprocal process. The United States and Canada not only require such a certificate but also require testing on entry. One of my proposals is, at least within the EU, to remove this barrier and retain it for third countries with higher morbidity.”Â
He then made an appeal while keeping his opinion forward to keep the COVID-19 health protocols such as – wearing masks, maintaining a social distance, and sanitizing frequently.Â