Apple’s M2 chip entered mass production!

Apple's 'M2' Next-Gen Mac Chip

A new report from Nikkei Asia, Apple’s custom next-generation Mac processor entered mass production this month. M2 is the successor of the M1 chipset. From its predecessor, the second-generation silicon is expected to be even more powerful. In November 2020, the Mac product running the M1 had released Apple, and it is the M1 — Apple’s first in-house Mac chip.

Instead of relying on AMD and Intel, and other companies to create various components for its computers, the company took things into its hand with M1. This gave Apple more significant control over Mac’s production. M1 is an Arm-based chip; it is smaller, faster, and more efficient than any previous Mac processor. M1 became the quickest computer chip in the market. Now Apple is coming up with its successor.


Apple expects to start shipping at some point in July, with M2 initially being used in MacBook products released in 2nd half of 2021. With a 5-nanometer plus design, M2 is being built, which is expected to deliver power efficiency and more excellent performance than the standard 5-nanometer design of M1.

As Nikkei Asia says, the first M2-powered device will be the new MacBooks. As per the rumor, Apple is working on two new Mac Book Pro models for 2021, including an all-new 14-inch and a revamped 16-inch one option. As per the report, “sources said it [M2] would eventually be used in other Mac and Apple devices beyond the MacBook.” 

The company recently announced a redesigned 24-inch iMac powered by the M1, but since 2019 the 27-inch iMac hasn’t been touched. The company may not want to have one iMac with M1 and another with M2. Rumors are also there that thinner Mac Book Air launching in either 2021 or 2022, then another possible device for the M2 chip will be on the way.

As for non-Mac products, M1 recently made its way to the iPad with the 2021 variant of the iPad Pro. As per speculations, Apple will release another generation of iPad Pro in 2022, M2 will likely make an appearance there. 



