Sofia: Building of 28th nursery cleaned of graffiti

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, chairman of Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed through his official Facebook account that the building of 28th Nursery has been cleaned of graffiti

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, chairman of Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed through his official Facebook account that the building of 28th Nursery has been cleaned of graffiti
Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, chairman of Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed through his official Facebook account that the building of 28th Nursery has been cleaned of graffiti

Sofia, Bulgaria: Georgi Valentinov Georgiev, chairman of Metropolitan Municipal Council, informed through his official Facebook account that the building of 28th Nursery has been cleaned of graffiti.

On July, 28,2023, Chairman Georgiev announced that Sofia Municipality launched a graffiti cleaning programme in which Sofia Municipality will clean parts of the facades of residential buildings utterly free of charge at the owner’s request.


Minister Georgiev remarked that his team continues cleaning and painting vandalized buildings in Sofia. The Nursery in the “Sredets” district is the fifth site to be cleaned by vandalous drawings under the program of the municipal council.

After painting the building, the Municipality also applied a protective coating to make washing much more accessible in case of possible subsequent vandals.

Georgiev appreciated the teams of the Metropolitan Inspectorate and the Sofekostroy EAD Municipal Society for their work on program implementation and indications.

He said, “We won’t stop there. Work on restoring the authentic look of iconic buildings in the capital continues. Our battle is not only for the aesthetics of the urban environment but also to protect the spirit of the iconic buildings”.

The Grafitti removal program also includes free cleaning of the facades of residential buildings. If anyone generally wishes for the apartment property, they can submit an application for graffiti cleaning on the site of the Metropolitan Municipality.

Metropoliton Chairman Georgiev mentioned that the Municipality had received ten applications and organized cleaning of the first five buildings. The first cleaned is on “Oborishte” and Boulevard, “Vassil Levski”.

He issued a strict warning to the perpetrators; he noted that immediate actions would be taken against the individuals who spoil the walls with spray paint. The residents urged to apply heavy fines on those who ruin the walls with spray paints.
