Gabrovo: Regional Governor attends final seminar on Digital Coach Project

The two-day final seminar on the "Digital Coach" project was opened yesterday at the Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The regional governor Nevena Petkova opened the forum by saying, "The event concerns relevant and exciting topics in the business environment"

The two-day final seminar on the
The two-day final seminar on the "Digital Coach" project was opened yesterday at the Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The regional governor Nevena Petkova opened the forum by saying, "The event concerns relevant and exciting topics in the business environment" (Image Courtesy-Facebook)

The two-day final seminar on the “Digital Coach” project was opened yesterday at the Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The regional governor Nevena Petkova opened the forum by saying, “The event concerns relevant and exciting topics in the business environment”.

“Lecturers from Germany and Hungary will pass on to local businesses and organizations their experience. I am convinced that good practices will be practised in our area. I wish success and believe that the joint efforts of business and educational structures will lead to the desired development in the region”.


The seminar is held in presence in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry conference room and online, including project analysis, assessments and results.

The Digital Coach project is funded by the Erasmus + program and involves 4 EU countries – Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary and Greece. In Bulgaria, the activities are carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Gabrovo and the Technical University.

He was introduced by Kristina Burova – Kessler and Professor Martin Krohl from the University of the Rohr. Christina Kessler explained that the model was created industry-for-industry, with the project experimenting with its application in other areas.

The main goal of Digital Coach is to present a system to assess the digitalization and digitization processes in small and medium-sized enterprises and to help modernize businesses with the help of t. sun. Digital coaches and “training factories”.

Within the project, ten self-training modules for digital coaches have been created. They can be external experts or internal – part of the respective company’s team that wants to transform their work processes.

Eighteen digital coaches have so far been trained in Bulgaria from the two target groups-representatives of companies where the pilot deployments are taking place and the Gabrovo Technical University.

The first stage of digital transformation pertains to assessing the degree of digitization and digitization of processes in the enterprise. It uses the Adaption maturity model, in which strategies are evaluated at 48 indicators with eight different values.


Then it is noted the degree to which the business wants to reach. Next is the stage of notifying concrete measures and actions.

Training factories also play an essential role in the project, which enables practical and problem-oriented training. The primary function of a digital trainer is to link enterprises and training factories to organize assignments for enterprise employees, demonstrations and testing of new technologies, etc.