For the second consecutive year, the two neighbouring municipalities will appear as partners in Bulgaria’s largest tourist exhibition. The forum will be held from February 15 to 17 at Inter Expo Center in Sofia. 250 national and regional tourism organizations, tour operators, hotels, technology and equipment suppliers, municipalities and more reported participation.
Dryanovo and Tryavna will draw attention with specially designed wooden stands and visions representing the area’s main landmarks. Visitors will be provided with travel guidebooks and maps, advertising brochures, a calendar with the most important events of the year and any useful information according to the interests of the respective business.
There will be a separate photo corner to encourage booth visitors to share a recommendation of our area with their friends. In the spirit of the February holidays, they will be greeted with a glass of fine wine and hear stories to fall in love with in this amazing corner of Bulgaria.
For those who keep the “eye to see”, there will be a large monitor where selected clips from Dryanovo and Tryavna will be broadcasted, filmed last year, presenting sights and events.
Representatives of the two Municipalities will also participate in the events of the rich accompanying program, which include several discussions and presentations with tourism industry experts.
On the other hand, the Municipality of Dryanovo marks the 91st Birthday of the Honorary Citizen Marko Ganchev. Marko Ganchev was born on February 13, 1932. in the village of Marcha, today, a neighbourhood of Dryanovo.
He is the nephew of the famous writer Marko Marchevski (author of the novel Tambuktu Island) Ganchev completed his primary and secondary education at the Maxim Rajkovich High School – Dryanovo. His first poem was printed in Sofia’s children’s newspaper, “Drugarche” when he was only ten years old.
Author of over 50 books, Member of Parliament in the VII Grand National Assembly, Ambassador of Bulgaria in Belarus, Winner of the Order “Stara Planina” I degree for outstanding contribution to Bulgarian culture, the National Literary Award “P. R. Slaveykov for his overall work for children and adolescents, the Chudomir Award for humorous narrative and much more.