Racist Attitude towards Bulgarians at Bulgaria-Macedonia Border

At the border between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, a new presentation of hatred and discrimination towards Bulgaria was shown. Bulgarians were not permitted to cross the border by Macedonian security forces only because they were Bulgarians

At the border between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, a new presentation of hatred and discrimination towards Bulgaria was shown. Bulgarians were not permitted to cross the border by Macedonian security forces only because they were Bulgarians
At the border between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, a new presentation of hatred and discrimination towards Bulgaria was shown. Bulgarians were not permitted to cross the border by Macedonian security forces only because they were Bulgarians (Image Courtesy-Google)

At the border between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, a new presentation of hatred and discrimination towards Bulgaria was shown. Bulgarians were not permitted to cross the border by Macedonian security forces only because they were Bulgarians.

A Bulgarian national who attempted to enter Macedonia posted a video of the security staff refusing to let them through. The Macedonian Police halted several vehicles and prevented Bulgarians from entering the nation.


There was a lengthy and tense argument between Macedonian security forces and Bulgarian citizens. He used his camera to capture the entire conversation.

Despite having a shared history, Macedonians and Bulgarians still despise one another. Numerous illustrations of racism and hatred towards Bulgarians have been documented on Macedonian land. Christian Pendikov, a secretary at the TSAR Borris Club in Ohrid, was recently beaten severely by Macedonians on January 19.

He was rushed to the hospital after the incident. His jaw was shattered, and he suffered other injuries due to the Macedonians’ severe beating.

Andrey Kovachev, a member of the European Parliament, denounced the behaviour of RNM residents towards Bulgarians. He claimed that circumstances could soon take a deadly turn for Bulgarians living in North Macedonia.

Kovatchev asserted that what occurred to Pendikov wasn’t an accident during the event. The institutional anti-Bulgarian propaganda is the foundation for its daily routine and norm of verbal, mental, and physical aggression against Bulgarians from Northern Macedonia.

Since its inception, the Bulgarian club Tsar Borris III has been in controversy. Citizens of RNM organised a sizable protest against the club’s opening, naming it Tsar Borris III.


The people of North Macedonia believe that Bulgarians are to blame for the unrest and violence in their country. Bulgarians have never committed any disturbance or illegal act on Macedonian territory. On the other hand, Macedonians committed several acts of violence and racism.