Bulgaria: EU is considering sending Bulgaria a certain quantity of natural gas.

Bulgarian MEP from the group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats  said,"To avoid having other bad winter weather predictions, we are currently searching for every answer on a pan-European basis. Completing the Greek link and providing the desperately required Azeri gas are the first steps in diversifying our energy supplies

Bulgarian MEP from the group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats  said,
Bulgarian MEP from the group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats  said,"To avoid having other bad winter weather predictions, we are currently searching for every answer on a pan-European basis. Completing the Greek link and providing the desperately required Azeri gas are the first steps in diversifying our energy supplies

Bulgarian MEP from the group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats  said,”To avoid having other bad winter weather predictions, we are currently searching for every answer on a pan-European basis. Completing the Greek link and providing the desperately required Azeri gas are the first steps in diversifying our energy supplies. We cannot ignore the fact that Gazprom is still trying to arrange the delivery of the quantities outlined in our current contract by the end of the year”.

Filling Chiren’s storage is the first objective on the list of priorities. Compared to the over 80% European norm, it is almost 60% full. Gas supplies in Europe may be guaranteed to remain stable and sufficient for 1.5 to 2 months of winter if the storage facilities are filled to more than 90% of their capacity.


On June 27, the EU passed a new guideline which requires national governments to fill 90% of underground gas storage by the start of the upcoming winter and at least 80% by November 1. However, Bulgaria was among the first nations to experience a suspension of gas supplies. There is no criticism of Bulgaria in the European Union for the “Chiren” gas plant’s capacity not being completed on time.

The largest user of natural gas in the EU, Germany consumes around one-third of all the gas used in the Union annually. Germany is currently engaged in comprehensive talks with Norway, the Netherlands, and Qatar for liquefied natural gas and natural gas supply.

Bulgaria is doing almost the same, continuing to make efforts to complete the Greek connection, arrange the supply and quantities appointed in the current contract until the end of the year, and explore other options for backup. Bulgaria is moving according to the recovery and sustainability plan. Penkova refused to change his mind that there has unquestionably been a delay.