NSI data: Inflation rate of Bulgaria reaches 10% in February

The National Statistical Institute (NSI) shared data related to the inflation rate of Bulgaria, as per which, this year in the month of February, the country's annual inflation rate has reached the margin of 10%. 

Sofia, Bulgaria: The National Statistical Institute (NSI) shared data related to the inflation rate of Bulgaria, as per which, this year in the month of February, the country’s annual inflation rate has reached the margin of 10%. 

NSI then highlights that, in the month of February this year, the consumer price index was 10.4% as compared to that of January 2022, which means that the monthly inflation is 1.4 percent. 


NSI adds the average inflation on an annual basis, that is, between the time frame of March 2021 to the February month of this year, is 5%, as compared to the time period of March 2020 – February 2021. 

It then reveals since the starting of 2022, the inflation rate of February 2022, as compared to that of last year’s December month, is 2.9%, whereas the inflation rate on an annual basis for the second month of the ongoing year was 10%, as compared to the same month of the previous year. 

Below is the list of the goods and services prices which has witnessed a change in the month of February 2022, as compared to its previous month – 

The one whose prices were down: 

  • Clothing and Footwear decreased by 1 percent,
  • Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and other fuels decreased by 0.4 percent,
  • Entertainment and Culture decreased by 1 percent. 

The one who saw an increase in their prices: 

  • Food and non-alcoholic Beverages witnessed a rise of 3.3 percent,
  • Alcoholic beverages and Tobacco products witnessed a rise 

of 0.3 percent,

  • home furnishings, household appliances and accessories and routine maintenance of the home witnessed a rise of 1.3 percent,
  • Healthcare witnessed a rise of 0.3 percent, 
  • Transport witnessed a rise of 1.7 percent, 
  • Communications witnessed a rise of 1.1 percent, 
  • Education witnessed a rise of 0.2 percent, 
  • Restaurants and Hotels witnessed a rise of 1.9 percent, 
  • Miscellaneous goods and services witnessed a rise of 1.1 percent. 

