Sofia, Bulgaria: The Ministry of Health of the European country has updated the list of countries by colour zones. According to these colour zones, it will be determined from which countries an individual can travel to Bulgaria. Â
Several nations have been added to the ‘RED ZONE’ list of Bulgaria, which will be in effect from today onwards. As per the amended list, below are the countries in Bulgaria’s red zone:
- France,Â
- Belgium,Â
- Portugal,Â
- Switzerland,Â
- Cyprus,Â
- the Maldives,Â
- Armenia,Â
- Belarus,Â
- Russia,Â
- Japan and others.
In addition, from February 17, 2022, the dark red zone will contain – the Netherlands, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Cayman Islands, Bahrain, Georgia and New Caledonia. On the other hand, there’s no nation in the Green Zone. Â
Meanwhile, all the countries which are outside the green, red and dark red zone are included in the Orange Zone.Â
Final red zone list of countries:Â
- Australia,Â
- Austria,Â
- Azerbaijan,Â
- Albania,
- Anguilla,Â
- Andorra,Â
- Antigua and Barbuda,Â
- Argentina,
- Â Armenia,
- Â Aruba,
- Barbados,Â
- Belarus,Â
- Belgium,
- Belize,Â
- Bermuda,
- Bonaire,Â
- Bosnia and Herzegovina,Â
- Brazil,Â
- The British Virgin Islands,Â
- Brunei,Â
- Great Britain,Â
- Germany,Â
- Gibraltar,Â
- Grenada,Â
- Greenland,
- Greece,Â
- Dominica,Â
- Iran,
- Â Ireland,Â
- Spain,Â
- Italy,Â
- Jordan,
- Â Cyprus,Â
- Kiribati,Â
- Kosovo,
- Â Costa Rica,Â
- Kuwait,Â
- Curacao,Â
- Libya,
- Â Lebanon,Â
- Liechtenstein,
- Â Luxembourg,
- Maldives,Â
- Moldova,Â
- Monaco,
- Â Mongolia,Â
- Norway,Â
- Oman,Â
- The Isle of Man,Â
- Palestine,Â
- Panama,Â
- Paraguay,Â
- Peru,Â
- Poland,Â
- Portugal,Â
- The Republic of North Macedonia,
- Â Romania,
- Russia,Â
- Saba,Â
- San Marino,Â
- Saint Lucia,
- Â St. Pierre and Miquelon,
- Â Seychelles Islands,Â
- Singapore,Â
- Sint Eustatius,Â
- Suriname,Â
- The United States of America,Â
- Serbia,Â
- Trinidad and Tobago,Â
- Tunisia,Â
- Turkey,Â
- Ukraine,
- Â Hungary,Â
- Uruguay,Â
- Finland,Â
- France,Â
- French Polynesia,
- Â Croatia,
- Â Montenegro,Â
- The Czech Republic,Â
- Chile,Â
- Switzerland,Â
- Sweden,
- Â Japan
Beneath are the nations who are put in the Dark red zone by the Bulgarian government:Â
- Afghanistan,
- Â Bahrain,
- Â Georgia,Â
- Denmark,
- Â Estonia,Â
- Israel,Â
- Iceland,Â
- The Cayman Islands,Â
- The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,
- Â Latvia,
- Â Lithuania,Â
- The Netherlands,
- Â New Caledonia,Â
- Palau,Â
- Slovakia,Â
- Slovenia,
- Â Tanzania,Â
- The Faroe Islands.