Soufriere transformed: St. Lucia celebrates development achievements from 2016-2021

Saint Lucia: Between 2016 and 2021, St. Lucians throughout the country acknowledged that Soufriere underwent a tremendous transformation. Everyone marvelled at the development that took place throughout the Constituency, especially in the town

Saint Lucia: Between 2016 and 2021, St. Lucians throughout the country acknowledged that Soufriere underwent a tremendous transformation. Everyone marvelled at the development that took place throughout the Constituency, especially in the town
Saint Lucia: Between 2016 and 2021, St. Lucians throughout the country acknowledged that Soufriere underwent a tremendous transformation. Everyone marvelled at the development that took place throughout the Constituency, especially in the town (image Courtesy-Facebook)

Saint Lucia: Between 2016 and 2021, St. Lucians throughout the country acknowledged that Soufriere underwent a tremendous transformation. Everyone marvelled at the development that took place throughout the Constituency, especially in the town.

Recently, Empty Emma and her SLP propaganda have tried to reverse history by attempting to dupe you into believing that there was misconduct in the SRDF.


A pathetic attempt to distract your attention and hide her gross incompetence as a Parliamentary Representative. We will not allow this Empty Emma failure to deceive you again. She failed in Gros Islet, and she is falling again in Soufriere!

During the tenure of Herod Stanislas and the UWP Administration, Soufriere witnessed the upgrading of the Soufriere Stadium into a FIFA standard football pitch and an IAAF athletic track.

The UWP government acquired 8 acres of land at Ruby Estate to be developed into an international standard cricket ground. Herod began the clearing and levelling of the field before he was voted out of office.

Today, look at the state of the place. It is a dump site. This Administration continues to dump filth on the future and the intelligence of the people of Soufriere. They have no respect for the people who they were elected to represent.

There was a chain across the entrance. It was removed, and all the debris from the Step Program in Soufriere was dumped onto the site for the Soufriere Cricket Ground. Things are stinking rotten in Sulphur City!