Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy suggested the Ukrainian forces not to relax after the successful counter-offensive. He pledged that the campaign to reclaim land Ukraine lost to Russia would not stop until they reach their objective. The senior US general warned that it was unknown how Moscow would react to its defeats on the battlefield in Ukraine.
The US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, General Mark Milley, explained that the war is not going well for Russia. He expects the Kremlin to escalate the situation in light of Ukraine’s effective counter-offensive. The British military has cautioned that Russia may have increased the areas it is prepared to attack to erode the morale of the Ukrainian government and people. By promising a $3,000 monthly salary, the Russian army is running a campaign to enlist volunteers for what Moscow refers to as a special military operation in Ukraine.
In sections of Kharkiv Oblast in the east, Kherson in the south, and portions of Donetsk in the southeast, where Ukraine started a counter-offensive this month, the Ukrainian army announced yesterday that its soldiers had resisted attacks by Russian troops.
Yesterday, the Ukrainian army announced that Ukrainian soldiers had resisted multiple attacks by Russian troops in the provinces of Kharkiv Oblast in the east, Kherson in the south, and portions of Donetsk in the southeast, where Ukraine started a counter-offensive this month.
Another four EU countries, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland have closed their border to Russian citizens from September 19. all Russian citizens, including those with Schengen visas, are prohibited from entering.
Lauri Laanemets, interior minister of Estonia, said that Russian nationals with Estonian-issued Schengen visas have already been subject to a sanction. But it cannot prevent Russian citizens with a Schengen visa issued by other countries from travelling using Estonia for transit.
Currently, Russia has received 49,804 valid visas from Estonia. 47,998 were for temporary residents, and 1,805 were for permanent residents.