Bulgaria: Sofia Celebrates Sophia day to honour St. Sophia and her daughters

The 17th of September is celebrated as Sofia Day to honour St. Sophia and her three daughters, Hope, Faith, and Love. Sofia will have a lot of bustles because it falls on the first day of school this year. Here are a few of the holidays you might encounter

The 17th of September is celebrated as Sofia Day to honour St. Sophia and her three daughters, Hope, Faith, and Love. Sofia will have a lot of bustles because it falls on the first day of school this year
The 17th of September is celebrated as Sofia Day to honour St. Sophia and her three daughters, Hope, Faith, and Love. Sofia will have a lot of bustles because it falls on the first day of school this year

The 17th of September is celebrated as Sofia Day to honour St. Sophia and her three daughters, Hope, Faith, and Love. Sofia will have a lot of bustles because it falls on the first day of school this year.

The Sofia Municipality will honour outstanding individuals for their remarkable contributions to the arts on the occasion of the Day of Sofia, with the renowned artists will and be forecasted in a televised special.


A sombre classical music concert will be held tonight on the A6 platform behind the National Palace of Culture in the heart of Sofia. Additionally, there will be musical performances in the subway and outdoor concerts across the city.

Today, entry is accessible to the Regional History Museum, the Museum in the Basilica Saint Sophia, the Sofia City Art Gallery, and other local museums, as well as to Vrana Park and the Sofia Zoo.

Holy Saint Sophia and her three Daughters, Faith, Hope and Love, were born in Italy. Sophia was a pious Christian widow who named her daughters after the three Christian virtues. Faith was twelve years old, Hope was ten, and Love was only nine. Saint Sophia raised her daughters in Love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they openly confessed their Love in front of everyone.

An official named Antiochus criticized them in front of the emperor Hadrian, who commanded their transport to Rome. The three daughters prayed to the Lord to grant them the courage not to dread suffering and death. Hadrian instructed them to bow before the Goddess Artemis, but they refused and remained unyielding.

Then the emperor gave the order to torture them. The soldiers burned them over an iron grating, threw them into a red-hot oven, and finally into a cauldron with boiling tar. Love, the youngest kid, was beaten with rods as she was strapped to a wheel, leaving her body covered in crimson welts.

After torturing her daughters to death, The emperor gave her permission to seize her daughters’ bodies. She took a detour outside the city and respectfully interred them on a tall hill. After spending three days sitting by her daughters’ graves, Saint Sophia eventually submitted her soul to the Lord. She was also get buried Next to her daughters.