Volgograd drowned in Feces after Sewer Explosion

Due to an explosion in one of the sewage collectors, rivers of sewage swamped Volgograd. The catastrophe occurred on Thursday, and while it may have been kept quiet in the early going, the stink has now "reached" Moscow. The local authorities formally acknowledge that they cannot handle the problem

Due to an explosion in one of the sewage collectors, rivers of sewage swamped Volgograd. The catastrophe occurred on Thursday, and while it may have been kept quiet in the early going, the stink has now
Due to an explosion in one of the sewage collectors, rivers of sewage swamped Volgograd. The catastrophe occurred on Thursday, and while it may have been kept quiet in the early going, the stink has now "reached" Moscow. The local authorities formally acknowledge that they cannot handle the problem

Due to an explosion in one of the sewage collectors, rivers of sewage swamped Volgograd. The catastrophe occurred on Thursday, and while it may have been kept quiet in the early going, the stink has now “reached” Moscow. The local authorities formally acknowledge that they cannot handle the problem.

Following the explosion on Thursday, several Volgograd residential districts were flooded with faecal matter. The city’s residents experience an intolerable odour, a lack of heating and running water, and empty water and beverage booths at the shops.


According to local reports, Volgograd Governor Andrey Bocharov recognised that the sewer was constructed in violation of all regulations and requirements but also remarked that the services were operating as effectively as possible. Local news organisations and residents have varied perspectives.

The situation was reconstructed when the excrement surfaced simultaneously along two branches, overflowing the city square Pakhmutova as well as nearby roads, parks, and parking lots. The Volga River has also been reached by the dirt that erupted not far from the Tsaritsa River.

According to the Volgograd channels on Telegram, lines of people waiting to take a bath have developed in front of the restrooms in the sections not impacted by the natural catastrophe, there is no drinking water in a significant portion of the neighbourhoods, and the stores are out of bottled water.

Faecal holidays have been declared at four universities: VolGU, VGIIKK, VolGTU, and VolGAU, due to the extraordinary accident. Students from all schools on the territory of the Soviet and Voroshilov regions were also permitted to take vacations for the same reasons.

The Investigative Committee of the Volgograd Region has opened an investigation into the case, and the report will be submitted to General Alexander Bastrykin. According to a preliminary study of the situation, more than 1,000 high-rise and 17,000 low-rise buildings in Volgograd containing 200,000 people have been left without water and sewage.

The main focus of the study is the implementation of the construction operations for the building of the water and sewer pipes, as well as their concession.