Saint Lucia to be first Virtual Caribbean Destination: Dr Hilaire

During the budget session, Dr Hilaire highlighted the stance to offer travelers an interactive platform to explore and book accommodations to enrich their free travel experience through the idea of introducing Virtual Saint Lucia.

Dr Ernest Hilaire provides an idea for introducing Virtual Saint Lucia, credits to Facebook
Dr Ernest Hilaire provides an idea for introducing Virtual Saint Lucia, credits to Facebook

Saint Lucia:  The idea of introducing Virtual Saint Lucia marks an idea of transformation as it is aimed at transforming the way travelers engage with the country as a destination. This has marked another progress in growth and development of Saint Lucia under the leadership of Ernest Hilaire, Deputy Prime Minister of the country. 

During the budget session, Dr Hilaire highlighted the stance to offer travelers an interactive platform to explore and book accommodations to enrich their free travel experience. This would be possible through virtual technology. And, with this, Saint Lucia will be positioned as the first virtual Caribbean Island.


He outlined that this platform would extend great experience to the ones who are overseas and want to explore Saint Lucia can have the feel of having the actual walk through the entire property that even would make one feel home like comfort.

Soon, the country will have the change that is bound to excite the people all around the world. This as well makes an addition to the step towards the growth of the tourism sector of the country. This would act as an active agent to promote the country in the terms of sustainable tourism.

Significantly, resilient and sustainable tourism development holds the major part of the contribution towards the economic boost. And, the new Tourism Development Act has already been passed in its connection. This ensures the government’s committed vision of transforming the country positively.

As a part of promoting resilient and sustainable tourism development, Dr Hilaire also casted light on increasing the staffing component of the ministry to offer standardized services to the world for which the prior action is to be laid on having proper certification program.

To render the visitors with a value proposition, the ministry would ensure to provide standard services in every term be it; food or accommodation. Such an abstract presented by Dr Ernest Hilaire speaks of the ensured development of the tourism sector.

With the idea of Virtual Saint Lucia, the standardized services to be provided through the act would act as a cherry on top that surely would lead towards strengthening the country’s goodwill and tourism development.