Sofia Airport Launches Innovative Smart Fountains for Sustainable Travelers”

The smart fountains, equipped with sensor-controlled jets, provide passengers with a hassle-free way to fill their bottles or glasses directly

The smart fountains, equipped with sensor-controlled jets, provide passengers with a hassle-free way to fill their bottles or glasses directly
The smart fountains, equipped with sensor-controlled jets, provide passengers with a hassle-free way to fill their bottles or glasses directly (Image Courtesy-Sofia Municipality)

Sofia, Bulgaria: In a pioneering move towards environmental responsibility, Sofia Airport has introduced three cutting-edge “smart fountains” in the pre-departure areas of Terminals 1 and 2.

Departing travellers can now quench their thirst conveniently and sustainably, thanks to this collaborative initiative between Sofia Airport and Veolia’s Sofia Water.


The installation of these modern fountains marks a significant step in the airport’s commitment to reducing plastic waste and promoting eco-friendly practices.

The smart fountains, equipped with sensor-controlled jets, provide passengers with a hassle-free way to fill their bottles or glasses directly.

This initiative aligns with global efforts seen in major cities, advocating for free access to water resources as a means to combat the detrimental effects of plastic pollution.

Passengers at Sofia Airport can now enjoy the benefits of these state-of-the-art fountains, reflecting a broader global trend of embracing sustainable alternatives.

The sensor-controlled technology ensures a seamless and hygienic experience, as users can easily activate the fountain with a wave of their hand.

This enhances travellers’ convenience and encourages a shift away from single-use plastic bottles.

The collaboration between Sofia Airport and Veolia’s Sofia Water underscores the importance of public and private sectors working together to address environmental challenges.


The shared goal of offering a sustainable and accessible hydration solution to passengers emphasizes the power of partnerships in driving positive change.

The significance of this initiative extends beyond mere convenience; it contributes significantly to environmental conservation.

Sofia Airport aims to reduce the demand for single-use plastic bottles among departing travellers by providing a readily available source of free drinking water.

This move aligns with broader global sustainability goals and sets an example for other airports to follow suit.


Passengers are encouraged to stay hydrated in a responsible manner and invited to be part of a collective effort towards a greener future.

The innovative fountains symbolize Sofia Airport’s dedication to sustainable practices, setting a new standard for airports worldwide.

As airports continue to be focal points for global travel, initiatives like these bright fountains play a crucial role in shaping the travel experience of the future.

Sofia Airport’s commitment to environmental responsibility sends a clear message: sustainability is not just a buzzword but a tangible commitment to a healthier planet.


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