Nadezhda District opened student games for the 2023/24 school year on October 24 with football competitions on the renovated sports field at 101 Bacho Kiro Secondary School.
The meetings were held on October 17 and 18 and were organized by the Nadezhda District Administration in partnership with the Sports and Youth Activities Directorate of Sofia Municipality.
Physical education and sports teachers from seven schools prepare teams for the competition in the sports included in the games: football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and chess.
A total of 160 students from seven municipal schools and a private German-language secondary school, “Veda”, participated in the football competitions.
Qualify for the call-up places with:
Boys 5-7th grade:
First place – 15 SU “Adam Mickiewicz”
Second place – 54 SU “St. Ivan Rilsky”
Third place – 102 Primary School “Panayot Volov”
Fourth place – 16 Primary School “Raiko Zhinzifov”
8-10th grade juniors:
First place – 101 SU “Bacho Kiro”
Second place – 54 SU “St. Ivan Rilsky”
Juniors grade 11 – 12:
First place – 101 SU “Bacho Kiro”
Second place – 15 SU “Adam Mickiewicz”
Third place – CHNU “Veda.”
For the preparation of the teams and the responsibility for the competitors, the Municipality thanked the teachers of physical education and sports.
15 Primary School schools participated in the event – Zhenya Todorova, Nikolay Petkov, 16 Primary School – Stanislav Shtherev, 54 Primary School – Metodi Kirichkov, 63 Primary School – Martin Velchev, 101 Primary School – Petyo Iliev, 102 Primary School – Ivona Dimitrova, 141 Primary School – Kiril Nakov, CSU “Veda”.
Nadezhda District, Sofia Municipality delivered a statement that reads, “Student games are a major manifestation in the field of student sports. They are part of state policy aimed at encouraging students to motor activity, play sports, create conditions for the development of individual abilities”.
The games provide an opportunity for school teams to participate in international competitions – World Student Championships organized by the International Student Sport Federation (ISF).