Saint Lucia: Construction of Northern Divisional Police Headquarters resumes

Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, resumed the construction of the Saint Lucian Police Headquarters on Monday, October 2023 to be financed under a Build-Own-Lease-Transfer [BOLT] agreement with the NIRPO/NIC

Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, resumed the construction of the Saint Lucian Police Headquarters on Monday, October 2023 to be financed under a Build-Own-Lease-Transfer [BOLT] agreement with the NIRPO/NIC
Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, resumed the construction of the Saint Lucian Police Headquarters on Monday, October 2023 to be financed under a Build-Own-Lease-Transfer [BOLT] agreement with the NIRPO/NIC (Image Courtesy-Official Facebook account of PM Philip J. Pierre)

Castries, Saint Lucia: Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, said that he was overwhelmed to turn the sod for the construction of the Northern Divisional Police Headquarters, which will be financed under a Build-Own-Lease-Transfer [BOLT] agreement with the NIRPO/NIC.

He resumed the construction of the Saint Lucian Police Headquarters on Monday, October 2023. Several Saint Lucian officials and Police officers, including DPM Ernest Hilaire and the Commissioner of Police Crusita, descartes Pelius.


The facility is expected to be completed in 18 months and boasts state-of-the-art facilities for the training of officers and other administrative departments.

PM J Pierre also declared that a maintenance agreement will also form part of this deal to ensure that the investment of the taxpayers of this country is protected.

He emphasized that the project had been paused since May 2017 by the former administration. Since then, the police officers and the public have operated from a facility unsuitable for purpose.

PM J. Pierre commented that when he first visited the Gros Islet Police station as Prime Minister, he was even more assured that his decision to construct a new facility was urgent and essential.

Now, the project is underway, and within 18 months, a long-awaited Northern Divisional Police Headquarters will be completed, providing a suitable workplace for Saint Lucia Police in right place.

The facility will assist the Police department in providing essential training for new units to serve as the guardians of peace and prosperity in Saint Lucia.


The Prime Minister also declared that he will continue to invest in the men and women of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force to ensure that they have the requisite training and resources to deliver quality citizen security.