Burgas, Bulgaria: Dimitar Nikolov, mayor of Burgas, informed through his social media account that the Cathedral of St. Burgas annes Cyril and Methodius” returned its authentic form. The facade of the temple has been restored, and the influence of the weather damaged all elements on it.
He emphasized that the restoration activities started in 2020. In complexity and technological execution, they are the only ones of their kind performed so far in Bulgaria.
The ornamentation of the plastic facade of the temple is the richest and most diverse in the country. The green andesite used allows for modelling and is combined with the skills of the Italian master stone makers – arch designers. Tuscany, the engineer. Stanishev and the Builders, an architectural masterpiece, has been created.
Mayor Nikolov mentioned that, unfortunately, during the time of construction, they did not assume that the stone they worked with was very resistant to atmospheric influences and eroded first in-depth and much more quickly than other materials. It looks healthy on the surface, but it’s decrepit and devoured inside.
Restoration activities have turned from construction to artistic restoration. Working stone by stone, piece by piece, retaining all original areas and pieces in relatively good condition.
Mayor Nikolov mentioned that all elements, caps, consoles, keystones, pilasters, bases, freesia, cornices, arches and more were on-site retouched to their original shape and volume to allow an accurate imprint to be removed.
Then, a mold for the imprint on the site is made, plaster casting of the original, retouching, making a silicone mold for circulated casting of the elements.
Fifty-seven prints were removed from the facade, 58 molds were made, flew off and over 1200 elements were mounted on the front.
During the preparatory activities and on-site facades, the modelling was carried out with the work and leadership of highly qualified restorers, sculptors and artists from Burgas. The team was joined by alumni of the Art Academy in Sofia and its branch in Burgas.