Dryanovo, Bulgaria: The Dryanovo Municipality informed through its official Facebook page that on June 24, a festive concert will be held in the city of Dryanovo on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Anna-Folkart Association.
It will feature pupils of the folk singer and vocal educator Ana Borisova, the National Orchestra of the National School of Folklore Arts in Shiroka Laka and the Dance Group “Gumzoviani” at the Sobriety-1870 Community Center, gr. Suhindol, with the leader Teodora Kostova.
The event stage will be on the square. “Kolyu Ficheto”, in the old neighbourhood of Dryanovo – “Giley”. Renaissance architecture and Bulgarian folk music and dances will create a wonderful atmosphere for residents and guests of the city on top of one of the best folk holidays – Enyovden.
The start time is 6 pm. The event will be held in the Act Hall of Maxim Rajkovich University in adverse atmospheric conditions.
The Anna-Folkart Association was founded in 2013. by the folk singer Ana Borisova. His mission is to pass on Bulgarian folk songs from generation to generation. The association has a Folk Singing Class in which children from Dryanovo are trained and the Vocal Folklore Group “Bozhurya”.
One of the main goals is preserving and popularising old folk songs from the Dryanovo region.
Additionally, the Municipality informed that more than 300 orienteering competitors participated in the 2023 Dryanovo Cup. Another sporting event was held in the territory of Dryanovo municipality on Saturday and Sunday – hundreds of orienteering competitors of various ages measured the strength of the new map in the area of the village of Dolni Varpishta.
Even heavy rainfall did not interfere with the good running of the race.
The event is part of the Municipality of Dryanovo sports calendar, and this was the 39th edition.
The Municipality of Dryanovo thanked all participants and congratulated the hosts from SKO Bacho Kiro 94 for the excellent organization.