China: According to the Washington Post, Covid has spread across the nation since Beijing eased strict pandemic controls. Satellite photos of several Chinese cities have shown crowds at crematoriums and burial homes.
In order to give each family two minutes to say farewell to loved ones before cremation, a busy funeral home in Chengdu, China, stopped providing memorial ceremonies.
A funeral home rapidly made room for a new parking lot on the boundaries of Beijing. According to the Washington Post, scalawags in Shanghai offered sad relatives waiting in line at funeral homes spots for USD 300 each.
Maxar Technologies has taken the footage from six different locations, including Beijing in the north, Nanjing in the east, and Chengdu and Kunming in the southwest. It revealed an increase in activity at funeral homes.
Long wait times and overworked employees were also reported in social media posts from other locations.
The Jiangnan Funeral Home in Chongqing, southwest China, had large lines of automobiles waiting to enter the facility during the days before and after Christmas.
According to the receptionist who has been working there for six years, she explained that eight incinerators were running nonstop, and the freezers were filled, but the phone still hadn’t stopped ringing.
The demand is so raised that memorial services are no longer permitted, and only cremation services and storage are now provided. This shows that the majority of people waiting at these facilities were there to process recently deceased loved ones.
After more than two years of strict restrictions on personal life of Chinese residents, the country recently abandoned its “Zero Covid” policy, which reduced the widespread.
The Communist Party regularly emphasised this comparison to show how China’s secured policies protected its citizens from the mass killings experienced in Western countries.
According to the Chinese authorities, since December 7, when ‘Zero Covid’ regulations intended to eliminate the virus were suddenly lifted and infection numbers soared, less than 40 individuals have died in China from the virus.
Regardless of whether they tested positive for the virus, only deaths due to respiratory failure since December have been counted, according to the Washington Post.
Chinese health officials have made an effort to comfort the public by pointing out the omicron variant’s low death rate of 0.1%. According to official statistics, Covid has claimed just over 5,200 lives in China since the beginning of the pandemic.
International specialist’s predictions placed the death toll closer to 5,000 each day, with some models projecting more than 1 million Covid deaths in China that same year.