Border traffic does not cease, as many travellers visit family and friends abroad. That’s why some Frontex officers stay on duty for the holiday period, to keep EU’s borders safe at all times.
Pavel, a border guard, working on Chios, stated that he enjoys working during Christmas, although he misses their family back in Bulgaria. “At the same time, I feel that I also belong to a bigger family, the one of the European Union, and I’m happy to be able to offer my service, knowledge and skills”, said Pavel.
Another officer named Vasile, a border guard and motor vehicle officer working on Chios as a fingerprinter highlighted the migration problem across Bulgarian borders. He noted that the migration flow is dominant during the holidays.
Vasile and his colleague were helping with border management during Christmas and New Year period. Recently his family came to Chios to visit him and spent some time on the island with his team members and their families.
He emphasised that Christmas is not about getting but about giving. The officers appointed here know this best.
Jordy, a guard, working at Burgas airport, also didn’t go home, giving priority to his duty. He explains that a lot of families with young kids come to Burgas these days.
Upon arrival, all the kids usually approach us and ask: “Is Santa in town? We say, of course, he is waiting for you in his village! There is a big Santa poster after the passport control, and every kid wants a picture”.
Jordy commented that another thing they immediately do after arrival takes a picture of the snow. According to the kids, the landscape is quite different from home.