Sofia, Bulgaria: The Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Bulgaria, Asen Vassilev, spoke yesterday in the parliament, targeting GERB and stating that their economic policy is f****** the vulnerable population of the country.
Deputy PM Vassilev then highlights that the motive for the no-confidence vote is unclear, adding, “The deficit in Bulgaria is one of the lowest deficits in the EU this year. The deficit is 4.1% with the COVID-19 measures, and 2.5% without any COVID measures, just as it was approved by the parliament at the end of January, and you also voted for this budget. Your economic philosophy is: ‘f*** the poor'”.
The Minister then outlined that there has been an increase in the exports by a significant margin which has been possible due to the growth in all spheres of the economy.
Below is the full statement of the Minister:
“Growth of imports – with 55% increase in fuel prices and three times increase in gas prices; we import them both; I do not know if this is news for you, there is no way for imports not to increase, which is good; however, we have to take into account that exports are growing faster, even when we remove the effect of inflation, we can say that they grow by 20% in absolutely all commodity groups”.
“Exports are growing, and they are not increasing because of your statement that they are growing due to the arms exports, but they grow because of all spheres of the economy“.
The ruling coalition’s fate will be decided today in the parliament as it is going to face a no-confidence motion debate. As per the predictions and looking at the majority, the government of Bulgaria is likely to collapse as it possibly will fail to show a majority in the national assembly. The political turmoil in the Balkan state has ignited protests in favour and against the government.